
Exercising with my Great Dane

Exercising with my Great Dane Just started grabbing everyday interactions with my Great Danes Magic & Finn. Magic is a 5.5 year old Brindle male and Finn is a 2.4 year old Fawn male. Both are neutered and have had their stomach's tacked prophylactically during the sterilization surgery. Finn's ears are natural like 3 of my other Danes: Hilda, Frederik and Ferris, Magic's ears were cropped as he went from my breeder to Oregon to be a show dog. His lips did not fill out the way you would want for a dog you are going to campaign so he was take out of show consideration and I got him when he was 7 months old.

Kurgo - Go Together
Help support a company who help keep Magic and Finn safe on car rides by donating two harnesses and tethers to them.

Shop here with the code below:
coupon code is: magicandfinn
- good for 20% full priced items only
- can be used by individual consumers up to three times
- expiration: currently no expiration

Watch the Safety Video here:

I have a partnership with Kuranda Indestructible Dog Beds. Please use this code to purchase your dog bed:

Watch the video on how the Kuranda Bed worked out here:

EMAIL ME videos/photos of your dogs to be featured on the channel. Send topics you want covered.

Here is what I shoot on:
iPhone 8S Plus
GoPro Hero 7
Edit on a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
Final Cut Pro X

My email for inquiries:

Intro and closing music for most Great Dane videos:
"Great Dane Song" - Smythe and Taylor, Midland, Texas
Buy your winter dog coats here:

Thanks for watching my videos.

EMAIL ME videos of your dogs to be featured on the channel. Send topics you want covered.

3-30-20,great danes,covid-19,

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