
Determining a Planet's Maturity in The Vedic Birth Chart

Determining a Planet's Maturity in The Vedic Birth Chart This video described in detail how to determine the mature/immature or evolution/unevolved expression of each planet in every chart. A Point system of credentials has been clearly explained to determine your relative evolution with each planet in your chart. Three key examples are taken of Evolved and Enuevolved expressions of Planets in various Charts. Please Enjoy!!!!!

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Astrology,Astronomy,Zodiac,Horoscope,Rahu,Ketu,Jupiter,Saturn,Mars,Sun,Moon,Eclipse,Planetary Dignity,Maturity,Immature,Evolved,Unevolved,Evolutionary Astrology,aries,taurus,gemini,cancer,leo,virgo,libra,scorpio,sagittarius,capricorn,aquarius,pisces,Planet,spirituality,Vedas,Hindu,Karma,Reincarnation,Past Lives,

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