Today we look at some Reasons to never mess with the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is one of the most continuously guarded monuments in the world. It is patrolled by an elite group of sentinels (guards) who defend the honour of the fallen war heroes! This video is inspired by Trend Central, Binge Central, Hyperloop, Hooked, Cozy, Top 5 Best, 100M, 50M and More! - ReasoningBEHIND
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This video is created under the intention of fair use, including adding transformative commentary to add additional insight into the clips displayed. The commentary/editing style is unique and adds value by putting it into my own list and stating my opinions/making it funnier which transforms the work making it different and unique each video.
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More Details about the video:
Tomb Of the Unknown Soldier guards. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier trespassed, yelling & fainting! Mess with a tomb guard! Guy tries to mess with the guard of the tomb of the unknown soldier! Messing with the unknown soldier! Guard of the tomb of the unknown soldier fights back! Tomb of the unknown soldier moments! Tomb of unknown soldier yelling! Tomb of unknown soldier crazy moments! Tomb of unknown soldier guard moments, Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Guard Gets Stabbed! queen guard, royal guard, royal guards, beefeater, mess with a beefeater, messing with royal guards, mess with queen's guard, don't mess with queens guards, what happens when you mess with the queens guards, royal guard attack, royal guard fight, royal guard trolling, queen guard fight, royal guard moments.