
5 Ideas That Changed My Life

5 Ideas That Changed My Life Sponsored By Audible: Go to or text "improvementpill" to 500 500 and start listening today!

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People have always told me that I thought about things differently. So today I want to show you 10 life changing ideas (this video only has 5, I'll bring up the other 5 in part 2!) that have changed my life so that you can improve your life! Some of these are originals that I've come up with on my own, and some are ideas that I've come across in life. Let me know which ones you agree with, disagree with in the comments down below!

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Intro: (00:00)
Idea #1: (00:19)
Idea #2: (01:47)
Idea #3: (03:56)
Idea #4: (05:09)
Idea #5: (06:45)
Summary + Sponsor + Easter Egg: (07:58)

10 ideas that changed my life,change your life,life changing ideas,changed my life,personal development,self improvement,inspiration,life hacks,inspirational video,improve your life,self improvement tips,ideas to change your life,self improvement ideas,50 life lessons,self improvement principles,personal development ideas,habits to change your life,personal growth,life changing,improvement pill,life changing habits,self development,

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