Adam's Everyday Carry in his apron:
Papermate Sharpwriter #2:
Pica Pen:
Whiteout Pen:
Small Machinist Square:
Flush Cutters:
Dial Calipers:
Giaco Maker Knife:
As you might've seen in Adam's recent videos, one of the changes to his shop workflow has come from his use of a utility apron for carrying his essential tools like Pica pen and dial calipers. Adam talks about what changed his mind about wearing a shop apron, what kinds of tools he carries on it, and how it's changed the operating procedures for his builds.
Shot by Adam Savage
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Tested shirts and more:
Tested is:
Adam Savage
Norman Chan
Simone Giertz
Joey Fameli
Gunther Kirsch
Ryan Kiser
Jen Schachter
Kishore Hari
Sean Charlesworth
Jeremy Williams
Kayte Sabicer
Bill Doran
Ariel Waldman
Darrell Maloney
Kristen Lomasney
Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Set design by Danica Johnson
Set build by Asa Hillis
Thanks for watching!
#AdamSavage #FavoriteTools #ShopOrganization