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Rocket League can be frustrating and tilting at times when you're playing bad. For some, it makes you want to stop playing Rocket League entirely but for others it motivates you to get better even more. And for others, they don't get tilted when it happens because they think they can just change cars and start playing good again. Many Rocket League players will often start with a car such as the octane and then realize they aren't playing good so they'll switch to the bat mobile. They'll feel like they're doing better but they really aren't. It's just placebo. This video discusses why they feel like this, why I think they're wrong, and how to choose whichever car is best for you.
I go into depth about my view of the player base relating to this topic.
You can break up the player base into 3 groups on this topic. The first group is the perfectly sane players. These guys practically never change their car body. They might change it once every few months if they just wanted to just mess around and have some fun with some friends in Rocket League, but once they’ve found their favorite car, they would never competitively change it, at least not for a long time. And then you have the occasional car switchers. This is where most of the player base falls into. They’ll go through phases of using different cars in Rocket League. They might use the octane for a few months but then they’ll get bored of it and they might switch to a flat car. They won’t switch cars because they think a certain car is all around better than another, they’ll do it because they’re just getting bored and they want to try something new. And then you have the CHRONIC car switchers. You’d find these players one day using the bat mobile, one of the flattest cars in the game, and then the NEXT day they’ll be using the octane which is almost the polar opposite hit box. These players look at choosing a car the same way you’d look at choosing a champion in League of Legends and their solution for playing bad one day in Rocket League is switching to a completely new car and they think it works too. When they’re playing bad one day they’ll just switch cars and then continue on thinking it’s helping them play better. But unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Switching cars only hurts how good you play in Rocket League despite how it feels, it does not make you better in the short term OR the long term.
This is another rant style video in "The Reason" series on my channel in which I talk about an issue and passionately talk about my opinion on it. I hope you enjoy!
Production music from epidemicsound.com