
Soo Called Rich । संभल जाएं ताकि आपको ऐसा दिन देखना ना पड़े। Veer Randhir

Soo Called Rich । संभल जाएं ताकि आपको ऐसा दिन देखना ना पड़े। Veer Randhir This video is uploaded only for fare use ।
The creator doesn't intend to harm or violate the privacy policy of #YouTube or any individual organization or group।

Do you know what the definition of a rich person is? According to me, rich people are the ones who do not have to worry about taking care of their family’s regular expenses even when the market is bad. For eg . This
#lockdown period #oklifecare #Sagarsinha #teamsagarsinha #mlm
There is no standard amount to reach to be known as a rich person. However, it is true that one’s richness in wealth depends upon different needs a person has. This is called as 'richness score'.

#Oklifecare Daily Use Products Distributor Price
1. Ok smile Toothpaste 45/-
2. Hermosa Soap(78% TFM) 25/-
3. Rice Bran Oil 2Ltr
(1400mg Oryzanol)280/-
4. Panch Tulsi Drops 152/-
5. Shampoo 2 in 17 100/-
6. Face wash Neem, Aloe 100/-
7. Keratin Daily Oil 100ml 7 86/-
8. Indian Tea 250gm 84/-
9. Ok Wash powder 1kg 90/-
10. Women power 240/-
11. Anti-aging cream 160/-
12. BB cream 112/-
13. Night Cream 112/

call now or Whatsapp to #joinoklifecare in the mentorship of #Sagarsinha
Veer Randhir

Background music in the video

Eternal Hope by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

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