My name is Sophia. I designed this video to be an interactive oracle card reading on the topic of “Knowing when to safely channel and seek guidance through intuition and oracle cards.” As a medium, an intuitive channel, and a certified Reiki practitioner it is essential for me to always be aware of the appropriate time to seek and share information for myself, and my clients.
My teaching style encourages you to energetically join me in this inquiry and discern the overall meaning as it pertains to you. I teach ways of muscle testing and personalize the oracle cards message I channel during the tutorial. Please keep in mind not all messages will resonate with all people. I appreciate your compassionate feedback as well as understanding this video is not intended to be anything other than informative.
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Booking A Personal Reading:
$30 for a 30-minute 3 question reading
To book an appointment email me at literatisensoryboutique@gmail.com
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Decks Used in This Reading:
Wisdom of the Oracle – by Colette Baron-Reid
Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards – by Stewart Pearce
Om Mane Padme Hum