
Sandy Hook NJ (Gateway National Recreation Area) U.S. Coast Guard 10.9.2020

Sandy Hook NJ (Gateway National Recreation Area) U.S. Coast Guard 10.9.2020 First, let me apologize for the noise, not sure what happened there but I believe the mic inputs might not have been secure although I do constantly look to see if they are) I was checking on the area as it is a gem to the local area and after the summer season is when I love to check out Sandy Hook. Many people come there to take pictures and record as there are numerous birds, history, old WWII buildings, bunkers, etc... and an active coast guard base. I am a former active duty Marine and find the coast guard fascinating as they help out the civilian population that has issues out in the waters but are a military branch. Kudos to the Coast Guard. Officer Withers of the U.S. Park Service seems to have issues with anyone taking pictures of some of the structures of the base and the base entrance. He refused to identify himself and became very hostile and harassing. I will be following up with complaints and a FOIA request as well as sending the video to Frank Pallone, the local Congressman for the area.


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