
'I got back the enthusiasm, the energy and the ability to think clearly.' Dianetics - Review

'I got back the enthusiasm, the energy and the ability to think clearly.' Dianetics - Review "I recovered a part of my self that was trapped in the past. And I got back the enthusiasm, the energy and the ability to think clearly. I felt a huge amount had lifted off my shoulders."

Meet Vincent, a life coach and manager from Dublin, and his experience of DIANETICS: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

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N - E - W : T H E - M I N D - E X P L A I N E D

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A 4-part online live course based on the international best-seller "DIANETICS: The Modern Science of Mental Health" by L. Ron Hubbard:

• PART 1: "A Wonderful Unknown Machine - The Mind"

What is the mind? What's it made of? It is sometimes stated that it’s an infallible machine, however, sometimes we don't experience so. Why is that?

Discover the two major parts of the mind described for the first time in the book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Find out how both can affect us whether in a positive or negative way. A simple introduction for anyone to understand.
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• PART 2: "The Single Source of Unwanted Behaviour"

Do you find yourself doing the same "mistakes" over and over? Or do you have weaknesses you can't explain or have reactions that are out-of-character and that can even get you into trouble?

You are not wrong. Discover the real, number one enemy to your goals and how to shatter it for good, according to the book, Dianetics.
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• PART 3: "Losses – Is There Trauma or Loss You’re Still Suffering With?"

Sometimes the sadness from trauma or loss can be so heart-breaking, it feels like it’s suffocating your life and seeps into everything you try to do. Moving on seems hopeless and thinking is dispersed with the memories of that loss.

There is a specific and surprising reason why this can happen. And there is a solution which I’m going to tell you about, so you can finally get long-term relief.
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• PART 4: "Understand Triggers to Negative Emotions and Upsets"
Have you ever noticed in yourself or in others that certain things can set one off. Certain things can trigger an emotion, or a reaction and it’s almost unexplainable.

This is not at all uncommon. In fact, even though these triggers can stand in the way of life, it is so common it’s almost ‘normal’.

Find out what can cause emotional and reactive triggers, how to spot them and a solution millions of people have used to alleviate the power of them.
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This course includes a copy of the international best-seller, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

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This is a four-part live course, which I will deliver on a rotation throughout February and March so you can join any time and you won’t miss out on any of the topics.

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I look forward to seeing you online.

Vince Kelly
Life Coach & Dianetics Consultant

Dianetics,Scientology,L Ron Hubbard,Tom Cruise,Grant Cardone,Webinar,Free Webinar,Online Course,Self Confidence,Motivation,Self Help,Spirituality,Mental Health,Depression,Anxiety,Mindfulness,Full Potential,The Law of Attraction,The Secret,Tony Robbins,Mind Valley,

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