
Painted nettle : As well as the properties of healing. And ornamental name is sacred.

Painted nettle : As well as the properties of healing. And ornamental name is sacred. The nature of Painted nettle :
A small shrub The trunk and branches of a triangle rather succulent.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, oval leaves 2 10 cm wide 15 cm long, 2-blade rounded or pointed leaves with serrated edges, concave attenuate. Leaves often shorten the pinch There are different colors, patterns and varieties as a feather.
White flowers with purple a bouquet bouquet separate channel at the end of branches. Flowers started long 5-25 cm
Result: very small dry crust with a single seed.
The use of herbal medicine: the leaves, the juice of the eaves.
Stems and leaves as a digestive aid, the nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, liver inflammation, numbness in the hands and feet, pain, swelling and upset stomach.
The leaves are brewed herbal medicine for a period, apply astringent juice of the leaves.

Thai Herbal Medicine,herbal medicine,herb,medicinal properties,herbalism thailand guide,Thailand herb,natural products,plants,Natural products from plant,Trees and Plants,Painted nettle,Flame nettle,Coleus,

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