Generro Sanchez
To calm Sanchez’s nerves, Murray unloaded the clip and the bullet from the chamber and handed them to Sanchez, only to pull out another clip and lay it on his lap. After a 29-mile drive, they arrive on a small road in the country where Murray shot Sanchez in the head as he drove. The vehicle came to a stop in a ditch against a tree. After pulling his body from the vehicle, Murray heard agonal breathing from Sanchez. To ensure he was dead, he shot him in the head again. Murray then pushed his body down into the ditch and poorly covered his body with leaves, dirt, and a single stick.
In the interrogation Murray shows no remorse and gives no reason for the murder besides “it popped in my head”. He had been planning to murder someone for about three weeks and decided Generro Sanchez was going to be the victim a few days prior. Murray was later found not guilty by reason of insanity and has been held in a mental facility since. Murray has filed motions asking the Court to consider his release from the facility he is in to less restrictive care. The judge in the case ruled that Murray remains a threat to society and is dangerous, denying the motions.
Link to Part 2 of Jerrod Murray Interrogation -