
Want to know why CHINA isn't happy with AUSTRALIA? Here's a different angle...

Want to know why CHINA isn't happy with AUSTRALIA? Here's a different angle... Australia's relationship with China has deteriorated enormously over the last couple of years.

We, as Australians, are quick to point the finger at others, but at the same time sweep our own atrocities under the rug.

Over our short history, we have committed genocide, we built our nation based on an invasion of Indigenous Australians, and we continued to implement racist policies until the 1970s.

The Chinese civilisation has existed for thousands of years - which is a major reason why any criticism coming from Australia is seen as hypocrisy from China.

China wants economic cooperation. China is willing to forgive our sins, yet we, as the major beneficiaries of our trade partnership with China, are not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, despite all of the MAJOR social achievements that China has made over the last four decades.

Australia, we need to take a good look at ourselves before we point the finger at others. We need to fix our own problems before we start pointing the fingers at others.

DISCLAIMER: This video may contain images of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Peoples who may be deceased.

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