
The Culture Industry - Adorno, Horkheimer, Neomarxism and Ideology

The Culture Industry - Adorno, Horkheimer, Neomarxism and Ideology Hello, were you enjoying your day watching Marvel movies and listening to The Chainsmokers? BECAUSE YOU SHOULDN'T BE, AND HERE ARE THE DORKS WHO SAY SO. If you hope to be a critical theorist, step one is dunking on the things that everyone else enjoys.

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Whew, a ton of editing went into this, so I was lucky to have the help of Shalon Van Tine with the script. Find her blog and site here:
There you'll also find the original paper I worked from.

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Source List:
Adorno & Horkheimer, Dialectic of Enlightenment:
Benjamin, Work of Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction:
Horkheimer, Eclipse of Reason:
Adorno, Aesthetic Theory:
Marcuse, Eros and Civilization:
Marx, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts:
Fisher, Capitalist Realism:
Eagleton, Culture:

0:00 Introduction
0:51 The Culture Industry
4:55 "Art" and Aesthetics
10:16 Psychology of Capitalism
14:35 Catharsis, or selling you your discontent

Horkhiemer,neo marxism,Neo-marxism,Plasticpills,Plastic Pills,media monopoly,cultureindustry,media criticism,media ownership,

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