
WHY is my blood sugar UP AND DOWN? Role of diabetic medicines & diet in type 2 diabetes treatment.

WHY is my blood sugar UP AND DOWN? Role of diabetic medicines & diet in type 2 diabetes treatment. WHY is my blood sugar UP AND DOWN in your type 2 diabetes treatment? A question I hear all the time in my clinic. I will make it easy in this video so you can understand why blood sugar is up and down and how to stop that happening. We will be talking about how to lower blood sugar fast without causing low blood sugars. While preventing low blood sugars you also need to pay attention to prevent high blood sugars.
You may be on metformin or any other diabetic medicine and yet your blood sugars may not settle. There are many reasons for those up and down blood sugars and you will need the understand the whole concept of blood sugar regulation which is not that hard. I made it easy in this video.
Please make sure you watch the video in its entirety to get the full picture. Share and subscribe to the channel to help support us grow so we can teach more patients with diabetes and help them beat diabetes. Whether you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, patient education is the key to success.
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Want to be a patient of Dr. Ergin? You have to reside in FL or NY. If you do not, you can sign up for our diabetes coach program directed by Dr. Ergin.

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