Welcome to the Business Minute, For the makers, creators and producers out there….it is easy to get excited when you want to launch your business….even entrepreneurs with the best ideas overlook free and robust resources available to help you succeed. The first place to start is with the SBA, the small business administration.
Our tax dollars help fund this agency and It’s not just for business owners who want to get a loan. It’s full of resources to help plan for growth. By just clicking the business planning menu you get to see the resources from business planning, legal requirements and development, market research to name a few. You can also head on over to the learning center where you can sign up for free courses like marketing and pricing.
A spin off from the SBA and often ignored or unknown resource by business owners is SCORE which is the Service Corps of Retired Executives who serve as volunteers mentoring 11 million entrepreneurs since 1964
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Video Cred and Attribution
Pixabay, Pexels - klimkin, mellewol, malic_1, wolfgang sauerwald
#business #smallbusiness #hack #tips