
THE TRUTH about “CHEAPER by the DOZEN” & more, much more…

THE TRUTH about “CHEAPER by the DOZEN” & more, much more… Ever heard of the phrase, “cheaper by the dozen”- better yet, have you ever heard and/or used the word, “mother-f#@ker”??


Both of these commonly used phrases have deep roots in the Afro-American slave trade…

The only way to change history is to educate yourself first!



(Just a few of the many…) Current Organizations Doing Good Work Right Now: 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Equal Justice Initiative:
EJI- Alabama Legacy Museum

Southern Poverty Law Center:

Teaching Tolerance:

Anddddddd in case you forgot,


- INDIpendent

Instagram: @iindiipendent



Clip Links:

Paul M.-(43:00-

Dr. Patricia-

Blog Links & Articles:


Saloy, D. (1998). African American Oral Traditions in Louisiana. Retrieved 26 June 2020, from

Turner, D. (2014). African American slavery and disability: bodies, property, and power in the Antebellum South, 1800–1860. Disability & Society, 29(9), 1505-1506. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2014.931652

Brock, R. (2011). Recovering from ‘yo mama is so stupid’: (en)gendering a critical paradigm on Black feminist theory and pedagogy. International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education, 24(3), 379-396. doi: 10.1080/09518398.2010.539190

Lefever, H. (1981). "Playing the Dozens": A Mechanism for Social Control. Phylon (1960-), 42(1), 73. doi: 10.2307/274886

Link to THE MOVIE: 13TH-

sex;,indi;,woman;,body;,black,blacklivesmatter,slavery,slave-breeding,Thomas jefferson,america,racism,

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