
Old Baboon Patats Enjoys a Warm Potato on a Cold Morning

Old Baboon Patats Enjoys a Warm Potato on a Cold Morning Patats our geriatric baboon was abused by cruel humans and kept in an isolating metal drum to harvest her feces for "traditional medicine". Patats is elderly (in her 30's) and enjoying retirement at C.A.R.E. She gets extra special TLC, food, and supplements to ensure she thrives.

She is enjoying a warm potato for breakfast; the perfect start to a chilly winter's morning.

Donate to Patats' care, we're looking for help for;
* 10 kg bag of potatoes ($10)
* Arthritis supplements ($20)
* Oil supplements ($10)
* Tray of eggs ($15)
Donate; & let us know it is for Patats and her geriatric baboon buddies Chaz, Ayana, and Franci.


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