Images attribution:
1. Alice In Wonderland
Image Information: Illustrative piece for class at school. Illustration by Tim Richer, Some rights reserved Weblink
2. In pictures: Lewis Carroll's Guildford
Image Information: BBC. In pictures: Lewis Carroll's Guildford, Some rights reserved Weblink
3. Caterpillar
Image Information: Dawn Hudson has released this “Alice In Wonderland” image under Public Domain license. Weblink
4. Tea Party
Image Information: Dawn Hudson has released this “Alice In Wonderland” image under Public Domain license. Weblink
5. Magical Alice in Wonderland Garden
Image Information: Illustrative piece for class at school. Image by Kyle Pearce, Some rights reserved Weblink
6. Doors
Image Information: doors, choices, choose, open, decision, opportunity, choosing
Image by Zachary carpenter Weblink
7. Alice and the Queen
Image Information: Illustration by snap, Some rights reserved Weblink
8. Alice and the Pack of Cards
Image Information: Alice and the Pack of Cards. Illustration by Arthur Rackham (1907). Weblink.