
MIT PhD destroys Kennedy's Corrupt Political Dynasty, Kennedies are 'Paid Controlled Opposition'

MIT PhD destroys Kennedy's Corrupt Political Dynasty, Kennedies are 'Paid Controlled Opposition' Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD warns about "Robert F Kennedy Jr", and advises "Learn all you can about 'Paid Controlled Opposition' and how this insidious force destroys Vocal and Defiant Grassroots Movements throughout history. Never let your power go away to so-called celebrity leaders... the health freedom is all about "boots in the ground, bottoms up, empowerment . No more waiting for corrupt legislators in Congress or Senate."
'QAnon' Robert Kennedy Jr, Hillary Clinton's pawn - slanderous Instagram post on truther MIT PhD! !
The American people have been raped by the lawyer-lobbyist class (Kennedy, Clinton, Gates, etc) --

United States of America, land of free, home of the brave has:
1) highest infant mortality rate in the developed countries,
2) lowest longevity rate among developed countries,
3) highest rate of autism in the world!

Dr Shiva is for: Vocal and Defiant Grassroots Movement . A “Victory” is Forthcoming.

For nearly two decades, families have been attempting to protect their freedom of choice for medical intervention such as vaccines. The movement, however, has been miserably failing – the losses in California, New York and Maine are such examples.

Why such abysmal failures?

Simple. The movement has been hijacked by the likes of #FakeChoice Health Choice – the controlled opposition serving the Establishment – which has actively, aggressively, and forcibly, through fear and intimidation, corralled concerned mothers, fathers, families, and sincere activists, to the single strategy of begging – paying homage – to corrupt Big Pharma, legislators and lobbyists. The #FakeChoice “leadership” forces citizens to shut up, not be defiant, not be vocal, not express their righteous anger, and not to focus on the “Science is Settled” argument.

This strategy of containing and controlling the movement has been the multi-decade effort of the likes of Mark Blaxill, who threw Dr. Brian Hooker under the bus, several years ago, hijacking Dr. Hooker’s testimony at an important U.S. House of Representatives hearing in front of Darrel Issa that would have fully exposed the CDC’s malfeasance in hiding the autism- thimerosal link . For details of how Mark Blaxill, #FakeChoice Health Choice leader, derailed Dr. Brian Hooker enabling the Establishment to win, read this investigative report by Jake Crosby, MPH.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, M.I.T. Ph.D., in contrast, for over 4 decades as a Scientist, Inventor, Educator, and Fighter has not only been making new scientific discoveries and innovating new technologies and products for our well-being, but also has been an activist leading and winning movements for Truth, Freedom and Health. His rich experience is why he accomplished more in 4 months than the paid charlatans who have been misleading and corralling this movement for 17 years! His much-needed scientific and revolutionary leadership has galvanized and inspired mothers, fathers, parents, and families across the country.

First, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai put to the forefront for the need to move beyond Pro-Vaxx and Anti-Vaxx by educating us on: 1) the lack of Risk Assessment; 2) highlighting Precision and Personalized Medicine where “one size does not fit all” enforcing everyone to a standardized vaccine schedule; and, 3) demonstrating that the the science is not settled based on his scientific presentation of the Modern Theory of the Immune System at the National Science Foundation.

Dr Shiva organized the First International Conference on Vaccine Risk Assessment where nearly 1,000 people attended online and in person. This conference provided an open forum where all sides were invited towards building: 1) the first Systematic Bioinformatics Review of vaccine literature; and, 2) comprehensive Gap Analysis of Vaccine Risk Assessment.

Third, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai conducted 5 educational workshops across Massachusetts and the country to empower citizens with an innovative Learn, Teach and Serve approach whereby citizens could have conversations with their neighbors and families educating them. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is also making this education available at no cost online and in person. Dr SHIVA Ayyadurai and Young Pharaoh DESTROY RACIST 'Robert F Kennedy, Jr' Party Over

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