Issac Christie and his wife, Isabella Graeme, came to Scarborough from Armagh, Ireland, and in 1836 purchased 40 hectares of Clergy Reserve land in Lot 33, Con. IV. This land had been rented and cleared for farming by Josué L'Amoreaux and his sons, United Empire Loyalists of French Huguenot origin, who settled here in 1808. In 1846 the Wesleyan Methodists of this area, led by Reverend T. Turner, built a small frame church amid the fields of Christie's farm. These settlers and their descendants worshipped here for 80 years. After the congregation was absorbed into the United Church in 1925, the chapel was closed. In 1936, a fire destroyed nearby St. Paul's Church and the Anglicans used Christie's Chapel until their church was rebuilt. The old chapel was closed again in 1938 and later dismantled and reconstructed at Buttonville as a community hall.
Letting Go by Hazy
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