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â–º Throughout the Pokemon games, there have been lots of shiny hunting methods - Chaining (PokeRadar, SOS, Fishing), Breeding (Masuda Method, Gold/Silver/Crystal), Catch Combos + Lures...
Today, I'm going to tell you the three easiest methods in my opinion that will allow you to get plenty of shiny Pokemon, extremely quickly!
â–º All Pokemon You Can Find in Ultra Wormholes -
--â–ºPokemon X & Y - Laverre City
--â–ºPokemon X & Y OST Tower Of Mastery Music.mp3
--►Pokégear Radio Buena's Password
--â–ºPokemon Sun & Moon - Friendly Trainer Music
--►Pokémon Diamond & Pearl - Route 203
â–º Welcome to PokeTips! I'm your number one source for all things Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon on the Nintendo Switch and Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Eevee news! I will have you updated on all the latest and greatest Pokemon information, rumors, leaks guides and tutorials about Pokemon Nintendo Switch games!