
[PAYDAY 2] Breakin' Feds: the simplest, easiest strategy || DSOD

[PAYDAY 2] Breakin' Feds: the simplest, easiest strategy || DSOD In my personal opinion, Breakin' Feds is a short and sweet stealth level, but some players dislike it because it takes them many attempts to complete the heist, due to the small spaces and the number of guards patrolling in them. Here I present some tips that make the heist easier, as well as my personal strategy for the second area, which makes the heist very easy and fun, as it was intended to be! :)
A quick summary of the strategy is to bring, for the second area, one heister with fully upgraded ECMs without the final skill (pager delay, +5s duration). This makes the second part absurdly easy and impossible to fail, since you can just deal with the 3 guards instantly without even considering the cameras. The video also explains some additional tips, such as: how to know if Garrett's office is on the left or right side without going there to check, the list of correct codes with only Locke's first hint, laptop spawns, whiteboard spawns, general strategy and things to keep in mind, a solo clear example to demonstrate the explained concepts...

Overall, this one is a very nice and quick heist that features some interesting team play and coordination, as well as opportunity for ECM rush without fully upgraded ECMs.

0:00 → Crew strategy example.
0:30 - 0:40 → The six computer locations.
0:40 - 0:53 → Crew strategy example continues.

0:53 - 1:02 → Possible whiteboard spawns.
1:02 - 4:09 → Crew strategy example continues.

4:09 - 8:41 → Quick solo clear to demonstrate the explained concepts.
8:41 → Skills.

8:55 → End screen!

➽ STEAM GROUP? I've created a Steam group for subscribers, with the objective of bringing together heisters who are informed about these strategies. This should make it easier to find crews for Counterfeit stealth printing, Train Heist advanced stealth, Breakin' Feds rushing, and more strategies coming soon! If you're interested, here's the link:

➽ Other related videos (end screen videos):
➤ Train Heist advanced stealth guide:
➤ Hoxton Revenge stealth tricks: jumping over the fence:
➤ Counterfeit stealth printing:
➤ Counterfeit solo stealth:

➽ ABOUT FINDING THE SECURITY OFFICE: As the video explains, once you move on to the second area, finding the security office is the easiest and safest way to find out which side of the map Garrett is on, to then start the rush. There are four security office spawns, two on each side. Of the four, two of them are clearly shown in the solo clip (as soon as I enter the second area). The third one can easily be spotted by turning to the right as soon as you enter the second area, going to the black chair and safely sitting on it until you activate Sixth sense (guards won't spot you even if you AFK on it for 20 minutes). If the security room is the one on that side, the security guard inside will be marked (example: side view of what's being spotted: If no guard is spotted in there, you can assume the security office is on the 4th spawn (i.e., on the other side), by simple process of elimination.
I didn't include this small detail in the video because I didn't want to make it too long (viewers may be scared by long videos!)
Recorded with: GeForce Experience
Edited with: Vegas Pro 12.0
Game version: February 27th, 2020 patch (Update 199)

Marcmb365,Marcmb,PAYDAY,PAYDAY2,PAYDAY 2,stealth,no rng,guide,advanced,trick,ecm rush,pager,delay,Breakin,Breakin',Feds,death sentence,one down,DSOD,tips,strategy,solo,crew,

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