
mean tweets east fam edition | the east family

mean tweets east fam edition | the east family Subscribe to follow our journey ▶
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We filmed this two weeks ago (hence Andrews hair) and have been hesitant to publish it... so we're not sure if this was a good idea or a bad idea yet hahaha. We wanted to take a little time to read through a few of the nasty messages we've gotten recently. Like we say in the video, there are 100x more positive messages for every bad message, but you should know that we see them ALL! Especially now more than ever, we want to spread love, not hate. Lift each other up, celebrate other's accomplishments, make a comment that you know will make someones day. We challenge you to go out of your way today to give 3 compliments to 3 other people. You never know how it might change their day. We love you guys and are so thankful for this community!!

Andrew and I are praying for you and hope everyone is staying safe & healthy. Let us know how we can help by commenting what type of content you would love to see right now, we love hearing from you guys!

Love - The East Fam

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