
Let Go And Receive IT ALL! | Powerful Law of Attraction Technique Explained

Let Go And Receive IT ALL! | Powerful Law of Attraction Technique Explained DOWNLOAD MY FREE GIFT: Link Below + In COMMENTS

Hi you guys! My name is Ashley Ducey. Here on my channel I share healthy lifestyle habits and techniques to transform your life and align you with your highest and most radiant expression. I hope you enjoy this video!

Let Go And Receive IT ALL! | Powerful Law of Attraction Technique Explained

Today’s video and conversation is dedicated towards an extremely powerful and underused law of attraction technique that really works!!!

I explain to you here why letting go is such a powerful tool to living aligned with your fullest expression and being free of the tension and pressure our dreams sometimes create for us.

Often times when we set expectations or we REALLY really want to manifest something we will get frustrated or fearful or impatient when we do not begin seeing results immediately!

This behavior is a common mistake many of us make during the process of trying to manifest anything into our lives. If everything is energy then everything we attract is dependent on the energy we are. The energy we are radiating becomes the point of attraction from which all things come into our out of our life.

To maintain alignment towards our vision sometimes and often times it means letting it go to a certain degree. Now it doesn’t mean forgetting it all together it just means loosening the reigns so we are not energetically coming from a place of scarcity, fear, and lack.

Letting go of the expectation of what we desire relieves some of that built up pressure so we can be a greater vehicle to the spirit working through us to create the life of our dreams.

I share with you different techniques and a conversation to help you with this. I hope you enjoy this video and it reminds you of the perfect journey you are on right here right now!

**Comment BELOW** I am a magnet to good. What I desire is on its way!!”



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