
INTRODUCTION ofCBSE Class 11 English syllabus 2020 (English core, subject code 301),by-Raj Dubey

INTRODUCTION ofCBSE Class 11 English syllabus 2020 (English core, subject code 301),by-Raj Dubey The syllabus of English core (subject code 301) for Class 11 is comprehensive and all students need to prepare the complete syllabus of English when they appear in the final exam of English in class 11. Here we have given the syllabus of English for class 11 in detail as has been prescribed by the CBSE. The CBSE has divided the English written paper in 3 sections as follows - Reading Comprehension, Writing skills and grammar and Literature. A student has to get pass marks in the subject of English which is a compulsory subject for all the students studying in class 11. Also, there will be an internal assessment in the English subject. Let us have a look at the syllabus, design of question papers and marking scheme of Class 11 English core subject.

The curriculum of class 11 English subject will be divided into two parts as follows-
written paper
internal assessment.

The marks allocation and evaluation details of the written paper and internal assessment for the English core subject of class 11 is as follows-

 Written paper

Section A - Reading comprehension

20 marks

Section B - Writing skills and grammar

30 marks

Section C - Literature

30 marks

Total weightage of written paper

 80 marks

Internal assessment

Assessment of Listening and speaking skills
20 marks


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