
Installing Steering Rack Reinforcement Kit from Outfitter Design

Installing Steering Rack Reinforcement Kit from Outfitter Design Visit our Amazon store:

Installing Steering Rack Reinforcement Kit from Outfitter Design
In this video I am installing steering rack reinforcement kit from Outfitter design. Please note, this is not installation instructions, it is just the way I installed it. When you purchase this kit from Outfitter Design, it comes with instructions and I suggest to follow Outfitter Design Installation instructions.
Rack and Pinion in Hummer H3 steering rack. This also applies to Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon which have similar steering rack and pinion.
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Steering,Power steering,Steering Rack Reinforcement,Steering Reinforcement,how to steering rack,Rack and Pinion,steering rack replacement,how to replace steering rack,chevrolet colorado steering,gmc canyon steering,hummer h3 steering,

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