
Failure can be further than you think in this Chest and Triceps workout

Failure can be further than you think in this Chest and Triceps workout To keep things nerdy, the Chest and Triceps workouts in this series are all named after elementary particles.

This workout is nicknamed "Antitau:"

Dummbell Flyes (5-10 reps per set) 3 sets 0RIR (no reps in reserve)
Wide Grip Bench (10-20 reps per set) 3 sets 0RIR (no reps in reserve)
Overhead EZ Extensions (10-20 reps per set) 5 sets 0RIR (no reps in reserve)
Close Grip Smith Bench (20-30 reps on first set) 4 sets 0RIR (no reps in reserve)

Set numbers are only for working sets. Warm up sets count on top of those.

Check out Chris's gym:

This is a sample workout designed in accordance with the scientific principles of hypertrophy training.

PLEASE feel free to try it yourself!

To determine rest times per set, unless otherwise specified in the video, do your next set once:

Your target muscle is no longer still burning from the last set,
You feel like you can push the target muscle hard again, and are mentally ready for another hard set,
Your breathing is more or less back to normal, and
Your synergistic and stabilizer muscles are recovered and ready to support your target muscle in the upcoming set.

Because the training session shown here was for a PEAK WEEK (the last session before a deload), it might be a bit of a tough place to start. For best results, START with about half the number of sets and keep about 2-3 reps in the tank on each set (2-3 RIR). Then, slowly add weight or reps and add sets as needed. Detailed guidelines on how to progress can be found here:

and here:


For autoregulated training programs, give the Male or Female Physique Templates a try:


If you're just getting started, try the Simple Training Templates, and if you can't make it to the gym, try RP Gym-Free:



best chest workout,training to failure,

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