
Bill Gates Does Not Think Coronavirus Will Re-Occur in The Fall.

Bill Gates Does Not Think Coronavirus Will Re-Occur in The Fall. Why are you so confident? Because a lot of people are so sure that we're not going to have a recurrence when we get another flu season next fall. Well, we don't know how seasonal this virus is. You know it'd probably be good for the northern hemisphere if the force of infection goes down as we get into spring and summer, you know and give us some time to get both the drugs and advance of the vaccine. It's it is fair to say things won't. Go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we've gotten out to basically the entire world, and so you know the best people at the foundation who are all about high-volume vaccines. You know are working with many manufacturers not only on the safety, but getting that billions of dose capacity, and so like china there'll, be a partial opening up which some jobs will resume school will resume, but we'll have to be very, very careful not to have the until the vaccine comes now, you talk about the foundation all the way back. On february 5th, the gates foundation committed 1 million dollars to fight this virus, but you point out the fact that the our government, like a lot of other governments, was very slow to respond. Really it another two months we might have lost. How much did that cost does in terms of the spread of this disease that that one or two months that we lost well, there are countries like taiwan who were exemplary, saw the problem and really got the testing community-wide testing done very well. They prioritized who got tested, and so they won't either have the disease burden or the economic effect that other countries will have china by late. January had taken it seriously, and so you know their ability to get the cases to come down, spend dramatic, south korea's on that, and so there are lessons that we're learning from, and you know we're all in this together. We've got to get rid of coronavirus from the entire world. You know the us. We can see how tough it is here likely it'll be even worse in the developing countries. Who is yet don't have nearly as many cases. How do you think the federal and state governments are responding now, and would you prefer to see it all being handled on a national level, whether it stay at home, orders or testing where the supply chain would you prefer to see this all being handled on a national centralized level rather than state-by-state. Well, when you have finite resources, you need to allocate them to where there's the most need. Certainly the because people move around the country we have to have the shut down, or else you'll have exponential growth that will spread back into other parts of the country in terms of testing. People have got confused and think it's just about numbers. The key is that you have a response to the test in less than 24 hours and that you're prioritizing the right people, and so, although the numbers are going up, we're not yet focusing in on that, you know medical personnel or somebody who's keeping the electric network for the food distribution working and being able to say if somebody test positive, very quickly tests their contacts, and so you know i do think you know that allocation prioritization of testing will be a key tactic for us to get into good shape, and that needs to be done at a national level, not a state level. That's right, i mean you have some states that it just happens. The number of pcr machines in that state are very few and you wouldn't think hey that's the way this this should be done and also the outbreak you know is bigger in in some areas, and so therefore that drives the the testing demand. Likewise, the ventilator demand i mean this is all very ad hoc because we never did a full-blown simulation. There were a few, a few things done, but it's not like war. Where we do war games all the time we have people standing by resources and buying a dramatic level. You know we're kind of figuring this out as we go, which you know, people are rising to the occasion, and you know it's fantastic to see that. But you know every day we can see that case number is still going on when you gave that famous ted talk five years ago, you laid out a lot of the things that we're starting to do now, like research and development, on new tests and r&d on vaccines, but so many countries around the world, including the u.s. back in 2015, largely ignored your warnings.

Bill Gates,Coronavirus,Re-occurrence,

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